Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hippie Plays Fetch

When Hippie was younger, he used to play fetch!

Meet Hippie

Hi, I'm Snickerdoodle and I work for my local Girl Scouts! Since we are working from home, my cat, Hippie, is my new co-worker. I'm starting this blog so that all of you can see what it's like to work from home with Hippie. Some fun facts about Hippie are:
  • Hippie is five and a half years old. That's about 40 years old in cat years.
  • Hippie is a big cat, even the vet says so. He weighs 14.5 lbs.
  • Hippie is an indoor cat but loves going outside on his harness and leash.
  • I got Hippie from an animal shelter. He was from a feral cat colony. Then he was a kitten and then he was fostered. I adopted Hippie when he was 9 weeks old.
  • Hippie got his name because he has a peace sign in his fur.